Reasons To Read Quantum Body: The New Science of Living a Longer, Healthier, More Vital Life

Quantum Body

Scientists are a respected lot in society. Unfortunately, they are diverse fields that they pursue with very few of them agreeing on a particular topic. It is indeed rare for individuals who have proved their expertise in varied fields related to science and medicine to come together and create something that seems too fantastical for words. At first glance, the Quantum Body: The New Science of Living a Longer, Healthier, More Vital Life is a book that talks about the well-being of humans and showcases a path to follow.

A unique collaboration between three top-notch scientists, who also happen to be medical professionals, this book piques your curiosity making you eager to know more. It is quite surprising to know that the body you see and touch is not the only form of reality. Instead, there exists another body at the subatomic level that controls your life. Functioning on the principles of quantum theory, this body does not age or experience decay but exits nevertheless. The authors describe it as a network of different types of energy fields that have a direct impact on all matter present within your body as well as your consciousness. The book can serve as a guide for improving your life thus being able to live a more fruitful and healthy life.

Inclusions In the Quantum Body: The New Science of Living a Longer, Healthier, More Vital Life

The authors further go ahead to add that the quantum field is not something tangible or static. Instead, it is defined as a constantly evolving matrix of energy that is dynamic. You are likely to be amazed to learn that the solid form of your physical boy is not the reality but it consists of multiple energy fields that vibrate when interacting with the quantum field on a sub-atomic level. The right kind of interaction is important to achieve good health and well-being.

While this theory seems to be a contradiction of medicine as you know it, you will be surprised to know that medicinal drugs do not provide an actual cure. All you achieve is an elimination or reduction of the symptoms with the underlying cause not being addressed effectively.

The 7 most important aspects of quantum physics are described in detail to help the readers understand more about remaining healthy and living a long life in the process. The seven findings that may startle you enabling you to delve into the truth about your body are:-

  1. Reality Is Not Local
  2. Quantum Particle Is based On the Principle of Uncertainty
  3. Entanglement Of Quantum Particles Results In The Same Fate Despite The Distance
  4. Observing A Quantum System Can Affect Its Outcome
  5. Quantum Coherence Causes a Complex Phenomenon To Emerge
  6. Quantum Jumps Are Sudden and Spontaneous Transitions
  7. The Universe Is a Holographic Representation Of The Quantum Field

The authors of The Quantum Body: The New Science of Living a Longer, Healthier, More Vital Life go on to state that the quantum field allows the mind to impact the physical body.


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